Tag Archives: weight loss plan

Refocusing After a Not So Stellar Weigh In

Weigh in was a bust tonight.  I gained.  I knew I was going to gain. I gained 1.4 to be exact. It’s this thing I do to myself.  I come close to a milestone and I freak out.  Not like seriously freak out but it’s like something says “You’ve got a little wiggle room.”  I do not have a little wiggle room.  Tomorrow is a new day, a new WW week, a new shot at that magic number.

This coming week, I have a second post-op appointment and hopefully I’ll be able to get back swimming soon.  Yes, walking is fine but I get bored and the Daughter likes to come for walks and that makes for slow walking, even though I am secretly thrilled that she likes go for walks.  I got a ball-hopper and a case of tennis balls for my birthday so I really want to start using that now that the super humid days are over and it’s not torturous to be outside.

Cannot wait to get out and play more!

Today, I was thinking about getting back on track and what I need to do this week to do that.

1) I need to make sure I track everything.  I mean everything.  I need to write it down immediately after I eat it or before I eat it like I used to when I was doing really well.  That is one habit that really does help curb mindless eating.

2) I need to make sure that water is my main beverage of choice.  Definitely need to cut back on the calories I am drinking.  It’s silly.

3) I need to make sure that I am eating all five servings of my fruits and veggies.  No more excuses.  Just eat them.  They fill me up and prevent me from eating junk.

Nature’s Fast Food

4) Walk every day.  No more excuses for that. Even if it means pawning the Daughter off on someone.  Make time for this walk.  It’s just 30 minutes.  I can leave her with someone for 30 minutes.  I just need to do it.

They aren’t hard goals.  They are actually pretty simple goals.

Now for the rest of my week ahead, I have two more personal goals, not really weight loss related.  After all, there’s a little more to life isn’t there?

1) Write for at least 15 minutes a day.  I have been doing pretty well with my goal of every other day thanks to this blog where I spew out what’s in my head.  Now I need to get back to that story that’s collecting cobwebs.  Those characters have been resting in my brain for a while.  Time to wake them up.

Calvin may be right, but you can at least practice getting into the right mood by writing a little every day.

2) Work on the quilt project I started.  I need to dig out the sewing machine and just do it.  Practice makes perfect.  Just keep sewing until I get it right!

3) Breathe.  There’s been a lot going on lately.  I need to remember to breathe.

This week will come to an end and I am not sorry to see it go.  As Tom Petty sings, “It’s to move on/ Time to get going / What lies ahead I have no way of knowing…”  Odd – that is the second time this week I have quoted Tom Petty.  I guess I’ve been listening to him a lot this week.  Not a bad thing.  Just funny that I have used two of his songs this week.  At any rate, it is time to move on.  Time to move forward and not look back, just keep moving forward.


Filed under Exercise, Healthy Me - Yay!, Weight Loss